A Fire-side Chat in Zagreb
On the bottom right you see one of the first major streets which is named, curiously enough, F. Roosevelt Ave. The yellow bulding you see is one rather typical of this section of the down town as will be apparent in later pictures. The trees on the right and left side of the picture are also trees in the enormous square of park that surrounds the downtown. To see a picture taken of this park, see the first entry - the long building that spans the entire horizontal of that one picture- that is at the far south end of the southern downtown - right before you get intro the industrialized sections of town marked by that Easteran Block architecture we've been reading so much about in the books.
One of the more intriguing aspects of southern downtown, an aspect of which I do not have pictures but wherefrom came several of the disposal cameras used to take these pictures, is the underground mall. There is an enormous underground complex complete with bars, restaurants, outlets, and even movie theaters and arcades, all of it entirely underground. It felt like going into a subway except that you had to pay to use the toilets and instead of signs that took you to the next landing, you simply found signs that took you to deeper levels of mall stores, confusingly twisting corridors, and a growing sense of claustrophobia that stems from the fact that you might not be used to spending so much time in the realm of the moles.
But Alas- I would post further pictures right now, yet for some reason Blogger is not allowing me to include further photos in this post. I will assure you though, they would have been quite lovely. And of course they will be included on this page with the aide of a better connection during the week. Until then, vaya con patos.
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